R. A. Long High School Class of 1963
Robert Gray Elementary 6th Grade 1957
Here's a class photo from Mrs Callihan's 6th Grade class, Robert Gray Elementary, 1957. The identifiable students are indicated. Anyone have names for the other kids in this class or corrections to the identified students? If so, please
them to me so I can make the identification.
I also want your other grade school photos so I can put them on this website. Any help will be appreciated.
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Front row: Margaret Lushenko?, Gary Schoonover, (-?-), David Jones?, (-?-), Gary Keilwitz,(-?-), (-?-), Gregg Martin, Jim Schweikhardt
Middle row: (-?-), (-?-), (-?-), (-?-), (-?-), Dave Hutton, Sandra Goatcher,Sharon Brundin, Jim Rickaby, Ralph Webb
Top Row: (-?-), (-?-), J.C. Toney, Cathy Lund, Margaret Myers?, (-?-), (-?-), (-?-), (-?-), Dan Wentz, Tom Fittro?, (-?-)