360° Panoramic Photo of the Former Location
of the 543rd Transportation Company
Thu Duc, Vietnam

With the help of Minh, whose father had worked at one of the civilian trucking companies that flanked the OK Corral, I was able to home in on the former location of the 543rd Transportation Company with a pretty fair degree of accuracy. I also was able to triangulate on the Thu Duc Water Treatment Plant tower up the road and the water storage tank over in Thu Duc village. Both of them are still standing, and I think that I was able to get within 25 yards of my former location. Thanks also to Minh's brother-in-law, who drove us around in that black SUV. Without his help finding this location would have been almost impossible.

NOTE: To change from 3D to 2D (faster) or back, click on the photo and then use the "a" key to toggle.
In 3D mode, using the "h" key will toggle a slower hi-res photo.
Use the little right arrow to start auto-spin; placing the mouse anywhere on the photo will stop the spin. You can also use the mouse to move the picture left or right--just click and drag.

To see a hi-res full-size panoramic photo of the same place, click here -- it's a huge image, though, so it may take some time to load on a slow connection. You may also have to tell your browser to view the image fullsize -- usually you'll see a little magnifying glass as you run the mouse over the image. Just click and there you are.